Master list of R and RStudio “moRsels”
- Introduction
- Packages
- Packages as toolboxes
- The hanoverbase package
- Projects
- What is a project
- Starting a new project
- Opening an existing project
- R Basics
- R-Markdown
- What are R-Markdown documents
- The differences between the console and an rmarkdown document
- Opening an existing R-Markdown document
- Compiling (Knitting) an R-Markdown document
- Knitting vs running a chunk vs running something in the console
- Setting title/author/date information
- Section and subsection headings
- Highlighting text (italics/bold/typewriter)
- Adding quoted text
- Linking to external pages and images
- Adding an R-chunk
- Executing an R-chunk in the document
- Setting an R-chunk to execute but not show output
- Setting figure size for an R-chunk
- Interacting with Files