Lab 4: Importing Data


In this lab we learn how to import new data from Excel or other sources into RStudio. Along the way we will also get more practice with RMarkdown reports and statistical analysis commands.

Overall Goals

In this lab we will:

New R commands introduced in this lab: $, c, ordered, print

Creating an RStudio Project

We start similarly to the last lab. We will start a new project based on a prepared repository.

Importing Data

In the previous labs we have prepared the data for you in R’s built-in system. But data you find in the real world is not typically in this form. It may be an Excel file, a comma-separated-format file (CSV) or one of many other formats. RStudio has built-in ways to read CSV and Excel files. Some other more obscure formats may need more work and specific instructions.

For now we will learn how to import a CSV file. This file currently lives on a webpage, at the following URL:

Now we want to read the file into our R report/environment. To do that, click the filename in the File pane and choose “Import Dataset”.

This data contains information recorded over the Fall 2007-2008 term when one of the faculty was living in Louisville and commuting to Hanover. Each row correponds to a one-way trip and contains details of that trip such as date, direction, departure and arrival times and car mileage at the start and end of the trip.

Take a moment to look at the two lines of code in your new chunk. The first line uses the library command to load a new package (also called a library) named readr. This package contains useful functions for loading new data. The second line uses the read_csv command from this package to load the data and store it in the name driving. You can access this data in the rest of your report via this name. You should be able to see the driving entry in the Environment pane.

Before we move on, there is one more step we must take with the data. The weekDay column is a categorical variable coded as 1 through 7 (Monday through Sunday). We must tell RStudio about that, as right now it treats it as quantitative (numerical). You will need to run the following commands (make sure to include them in the code chunk you created earlier and to run the chunk). Recall that you can copy these lines from the corresponding HTML version of the instructions.

Look at the data table after running the chunk. You should see the 3-letter abbreviations in the weekDay column instead of number codes.

The two lines we used above introduced some new features:

Statistical Investigations

Important formatting note: As you work through this lab assignment, answer the questions which are posed by typing into your R Markdown report. You should use section headings, subsection headings, numbered lists, unnumbered lists, etc. to organize your work and make it easy for your reader to follow. You can refer to the Basic Cheatsheet for help with creating these effects.

R Chunks: As you create graphs and numerical summaries, be sure you are adding these commands to your R Markdown report by creating R chunks for them. While you do have some freedom regarding how you structure your report, you should typically have sections that contain a heading, a brief introductory paragraph, and an R code chunk for any relevant computations, followed by (numbered) answers to the questions.

Knit Early and Often: Be sure to knit frequently and examine the resulting output document. Does it look the way you wanted it to? (If you do not knit often, you should at least save often.)

Refer to the R Cheatsheet and Previous Labs for Examples: We don’t expect that you have memorized the intricacies of R syntax at this point. Be sure to refer to the provided R Cheatsheet for help.

Week Days

The first set of questions relates to the various days of the week present in the dataset. You should make both a frequency table (tally) and a barchart of the weekDay variable. Hint: Refer back to a previous lab for an example of piping a tally into a barchart.

  1. The instructor was teaching only four days a week. Which do you think is the workday on which the instructor was not teaching? Explain.
  2. Looking at the frequencies in the tally, explain why most of the frequencies are even numbers. How do you explain those that are odd numbers?
  3. What would you expect the typical value for the workday frequencies to be, based on the Hanover College academic calendar (13 full weeks in Fall term, plus a week of exams)? To what extent does that match the data? How do you explain the workday values that deviate from the expected typical value?

Note: Don’t forget to knit often!

Distance Traveled

In this set of questions we will investigate the distribution of the miles variable, which records the miles traveled per trip as a difference of the mileages recorded by the car’s odometer. You will likely need several outputs:

  • a summary (favstats) of the miles variable,
  • a histogram of the miles variable,
  • a histogram of the miles variable, but where the dataset has been filtered to only contain the rows with miles <= 48.
  • a boxplot of miles against direction (possibly filtered as above), and
  • a summary (favstats) of the miles against direction.

Here are the questions for you to answer.

  1. Looking at the favstats summary and the first histogram, what is the typical driving distance for the instructor? Does that roughly match the distance between Louisville and Hanover?
  2. The distribution should appear skewed to the right with a very sharp drop-off to the left, and some high outliers to the right. Explain why we might expect these three behaviors in this dataset.
  3. When focusing on the values below 48 miles in the second histogram, you should notice that what appeared to be one mode is actually two modes, of roughly the same frequency, about half a mile apart from each other. Provide a plausible explanation for the presence of these modes that would account for their similar frequencies. (The boxplots and last summary may also be helpful here.)

Driving Times

The (elapsed) time variable is calculated as the difference in minutes between the instructor’s departure time and arrival time. We should create the following summaries:

Here are the questions for you to answer.

  1. Discuss the distribution of the time variable, including any unusual observations and plausible explanations for the various aspects of the distribution.

  2. Describe the relationship between the time variable and the miles variable. What is the overall pattern, how does it make sense? Are there deviations? Is there a clear linear association?

  3. For this question, we are enhancing the scatterplots from above by adding straight lines at the 55 mph speed limit. Note that 55 mph corresponds to 60 minutes per 55 miles, making the slope of the line (b) equal to 60/55:

    Notice that if a point is on the line, that trip has an average speed of 55 mph.

    1. There is a trip which took 79 minutes and 47.4 miles. Find that point on the scatterplot. What was the average speed for that trip, in miles per hour? Is the point for that trip below the line, or above the line?
    2. What does it mean when the point for a trip is below the line?
    3. Where are most of the points in relation to the line (below vs. above)? What does this tell you about the instructor’s driving habits?
  4. We will now color the points in the scatterplot based on the direction of travel (we will learn more in a future lab about the special graph settings used in this example):

    What pattern do you see in the colors? How do you explain it?


  • Make sure to knit one last time, then download the Lab4Report.Rmd file: in the Files pane (lower right), click the checkbox for the RMD file, then choose More > Export... > Download. Do the same for Lab4Report.html.
  • Submit both files via Moodle.