RStudio Installation Instructions

The following instructions will allow you to set up RStudio locally on your machine.

  1. Install the base R package from this page. Follow the link to “install R for the first time”.
  2. Install RStudio Desktop by following the instructions at this page.
  3. Install the hanoverbase package and its dependencies:
    • Start RStudio
    • In the console, run install.packages("devtools") to install the development tools package.
    • In the console, run library(devtools) to load the devtools package.
    • In the console, run install_github("skiadas/hanover-base", subdir="pkg") to install the hanoverbase package and its dependencies. This process may take a couple minutes, as it will install a lot of packages. When it is complete, you will see the message DONE (hanoverbase) and the RStudio prompt (>) will reappear.
  4. You should now be good to go! Whenever you work in RStudio, start with the instruction library(hanoverbase) to load the hanoverbase package and its dependencies.